2018 Festival of the Gypsies!
Well, here we go, hang onto your hats, it was a wild ride! I'm going to start with the fun facts and achievements and end with the tears,...

Saddle & Harness September's Wins!
Another great Saddle & Harness Club Show in the books for my girls! Majestic’s Lady Guinevere 1st Color of 8 or 9 3rd Draft 1st in a...

Boss Jr. is Nationally Qualified! High Point Reserve Championships!
Pinch me and then put me to bed!!❤️ Three packed days filled with five stars, gold medallions, ribbons, trophies I can’t fit in my...

***** Five Star Stallion Rating!!
Boss Jr. was awarded a 5 Star GVHS Conformation/Movement Evaluation as well as his Gold Medallions in Western and English Riding.