2021 Can't come soon enough!!
Due April 21, 2021 So excited for our first foal from Gigi to arrive at Gypsy Fever Farms in April 2021!! She is bred to GVHS Five Star...

Boss Jr. Photo Shoot
So thisssss was sooooo much fun Friday <3 I've waited a long time for this shoot with me and Boss and the amazing Bree Hokana of Bree...

NatWest & Kingsley Colt For Sale
2018 Colt by NatWest & Kingsley of LexLin 2018 Black Tobiano Colt - EE, Tt, PSSM n/n, FIS n/n - Expected Height 13.2+ Available for...

National Preparations Underway!!
Boss and the gang are busy preparing for Nationals to be held November 8-9 in Belton, TX. We will also be bringing our all-around star...

Boss Jr. is Nationally Qualified! High Point Reserve Championships!
Pinch me and then put me to bed!!❤️ Three packed days filled with five stars, gold medallions, ribbons, trophies I can’t fit in my...

***** Five Star Stallion Rating!!
Boss Jr. was awarded a 5 Star GVHS Conformation/Movement Evaluation as well as his Gold Medallions in Western and English Riding.

Boss Jr. Heads to the Feathered Horse Classic in Minnesota!
Annnnddd he's off again! Boss Jr. is headed to the Feathered Horse Classic in Minnesota this coming weekend <3 So excited!! Be sure to...

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!
Well I started our first Feathered Horse Classic literally on my butt in the dirt in my second class, but ended up on cloud 9 once it was...